Pavia Council concludes the 2002-2003 Fraternal year with the
annual Scholarship Brunch.
Pavia Council knights
work the 2003 CT Special
Olympics (pictured is our web photographer, Rene Concepcion,
and his family) |
Pavia Council's first
Lenten Fish Fry was a huge success, providing funds for the
Council's Scholarship
Program. |
Congratulations to the
2003 winners of the annual Vocation
Poster Contest. |
2003 kicked off with
the annual free throw
contest. |
There's not much time
between Thanksgiving and Christmas but that does not stop Brotherhood-In-Action
from making Christmas just a bit brighter for lots of Bethel
families. |
Caroling was on the
agenda as members of Pavia Council and their families serenade
groups throughout town. |
Grand Knight Fred LaBua
and the rest of Pavia Council serve up a platter of Christmas
cheer to the residents of Bishop Curtis Homes. |
Brother Knights once
again sell the ever-popular Holy Bears to raise funds in support
of our Council Scholarships. |
Brother Knights lend strong support to the Brotherhood
In Action Thanksgiving food deliveries. |
Worthy Grand Knight Fred
LaBua dons the apron and greets guests at the Council's Pasta
Dinner Fundraiser for the Council's Scholarship
Program. Thanks to the St Mary Youth Group for once
again providing support! |
Brothers from Pavia
Council worked the Jaycee's annual Haunted House and Hayride to
generate funds for the Council's Scholarship
Program. |
Brother Knights conduct the annual Tootsie
Roll Drive in support of people with mental
retardation. All funds collected directly help the DATAHR
homes in Bethel. |
The success of Brotherhood
In Action has spawned similar models of help within its
founding fraternal groups. One such is the ‘Helping Hands’
committee of the
Bethel Knights of
Columbus. On Saturday, September
14, a dozen men from Pavia Council, joined by a
teenage niece of a knight, and a member of the masons arrived at
a home in Bethel to sheetrock two rooms.
The need was identified during Brotherhood In Action food
deliveries to the family. While the labor, skilled and
unskilled, was provided by the volunteers, the material was
donated by Ring’s End Lumber. |